Visual Command UI Library Documentation
Getting Loadstring
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))()
Creating Window
local Window = Library:CreateWindow({
Name = 'Visual Command UI Library', -- The name of the created window.
IntroText = 'Visual Command UI Library', -- The text that will show in the intro / loading screen.
IntroIcon = 'rbxassetid://10618644218', -- The AssetId of the icon that will show in the intro / loading screen.
IntroBlur = true, -- If there should be a blur during the intro.
IntroBlurIntensity = 15, -- The intensity of the blur.
Theme = Library.Themes.dark, -- The theme the library should use (see more in
Position = 'bottom', -- The position the Window can be in (Top, TopLeft, TopRight, Bottom, BottomLeft, BottomRight).
Draggable = true, -- If the window is draggable (Only only X-axis).
Prefix = ';' -- The prefix that will be used before typing a command (will make the UI popup as well).
Adding Commands
Window:AddCommand('Print', {'String'}, 'Prints A String.', function(Arguments, Speaker)
1. <String> The name of the command (No spaces).
2. <Table> The arguments of the command.
3. <String> A description of the command.
4. <Function> The callback of the command, Arguments will return any inputed arguments, speaker is the localplayer.
Creating Notifications
Window:CreateNotification('Visual Command UI Library', 'Notification', 5)
1. <String> The title of the notification.
2. <String> The text of the notification.
3. <Number> The amount of time the notification will be on screen for.
Adding Themes
Window:AddTheme('test', {
BackgroundColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255),
SecondaryColor = Color3.fromRGB(225, 225, 225),
AccentColor = Color3.fromRGB(125, 125, 125),
PrimaryTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0),
SecondaryTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(75, 75, 75)
1. <String> The name of the new theme.
2. <Table> The colours of the theme. (see more in
Changing Themes
1. <String> The name of the theme.
Getting Themes
for _, Theme in next, Window:GetThemes(true) do
for Index, Theme in next, Window:GetThemes(false) do
print(Index, Theme)
1. <Bool> if true, only the names of themes will be returned, if false, all themes will be returned.
VS UI Command Library is an open-source UI Library for Roblox. Check out the repository.